Dog Guard of South Carolina Serving Upstate South Carolina and the Midlands.
April 14, 2024
Family pets are wonderful companions, and people are especially fond of dogs. Unfortunately, dogs can be especially fast and elusive, which makes it easy for them to run astray and possibly never return. According to PetMeds, U.S. families have an average of 10 million pets go missing every year. To ensure that your pet doesn't make a habit of wandering off and getting lost, here are some tips to keep your pup safe on your property.
A pet of any sort should learn what the boundaries are so they know where they cannot wander and where they can stay. A well-trained dog that knows the limits of your property boundaries and is trained to stay within those boundaries is much less likely to run astray than one that prefers going wherever they want whenever they feel the urge to do so. You also should train your dog to listen to and obey your commands, so it’s easier to keep your pup on your property.
Having a physical fence can be very costly and time-consuming. It also requires constant maintenance and repairs to stay in good condition. Electric dog fences are terrific for harmlessly enforcing your property boundaries when you have a dog that might run out of your yard. The fencing creates an electronic barrier that emits a stimulus level on your dog to tell them when they are close to reaching their boundaries. Your pet won’t feel any pain or irritation, but the vibration grabs their attention and helps your dog to understand when they've reached their boundary limits.
Another good way to keep your dog safely and securely on your property is to adjust the correction levels of their invisible leash. With an electric fence system installed, you can customize the level of stimulation that your pet feels when they get too close to leaving your property. Our experts can ensure that your pet is comfortable with the stimulus level that is emitted so that they still feel safe and happy with their surroundings.
To learn more about electric dog fences, get in touch with Dog Guard of South Carolina. We're happy to provide you with more information about how these systems keep your furry friend safe and happily secure on your property. We’re happy to answer your questions and offer same-day training services from our top-tier trainer.